In Arizona, education orders are a part of family law that help schools understand which parents have the legal right and responsibility for their child’s education. Education orders can address issues such as:
- Decision-making: Who has the legal authority to make decisions about the child’s education
- Pick-up: Who is allowed to pick up the child from school
- Emergency contacts: Who to contact in an emergency
- School access: Who is permitted to access school grounds, events, and activities
- Permission slips: Who can sign permission slips and authorize extracurricular activities
- School records: Who can access school records and the parent portal
- Drop-off: Which parent is responsible for dropping the child off at school
- Parenting time: Which parent has parenting time and should pick up the child from school
Education orders are binding on the parents but not on the school. They are intended to supplement the court-ordered parenting plan and reduce the involvement of teachers and school officials in disputes between parents.